The Conrad Mansion is a cherished historic landmark, rich with history and stories. However, like many historic buildings, it wasn’t originally designed to accommodate people with disabilities and special needs.
Our goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their physical abilities or background, can experience the mansion with the same sense of wonder and connection.

Revamped Wheelchair Access
Perhaps you, or someone you know, uses a wheelchair, and cannot enter through the Mansion’s front door. A wheelchair user is further restricted in their experience by the Mansion’s stairs to the second and third floors. We are addressing this issue head-on by installing a fully motorized exterior wheelchair lift, allowing visitors with reduced mobility to enter the Mansion through our front door with dignity and autonomy.

Vision-impaired & hard-of-hearing solutions
Accessibility goes beyond physical space. We want to ensure that our exhibits and experiences are inclusive for everyone. We’re updating our display signage to include Braille plaques, and will offer a full-length and immersive audio and video tour to serve anyone who uses mobility devices, and those with vision or hearing impairments.

Language Inclusivity
We also recognize that language can be a barrier for some of our visitors. Many of us are multilingual or know individuals for whom English is not their first language. We are creating translated closed captions for our new audio and video tour, and will provide printed tour handouts in both English and Spanish.
These enhancements represent a significant step forward in our commitment to inclusivity, but they require support from generous individuals like you.
Donate during the Great Fish Community Challenge (August 9 through September 13) and the Whitefish Community Foundation will match a percentage up to $25,000!